ACC WeChat Campaign

Educating Consumers on Sealant Characteristics via WeChat

Project Overview: Henkel's ACC business unit identified a gap in consumer understanding regarding the characteristics of sealants. They launched a WeChat campaign to educate consumers through informative content rather than traditional product descriptions to address this.


  • Although sealants are widely used in home repairs, consumers' knowledge or understanding of their properties is limited to generalities.
  • Traditional product descriptions (种草文) did not effectively communicate the technical details and tended to bore readers.


  1. Define the campaign as educational content (科普文) rather than traditional promotional text.
  2. Deep-dive research on each characteristic of sealants and create content that is easy to grasp.
  3. Explain in digestible information terms like no white oil additives, eco-certifications, physical vs. chemical curing, low modulus, and high elasticity.

Our Approach:

  1. Create relatable characters: Xiao Wang and Xiao Li were established as consistent characters in each post to function as consumer avatars. Their personas facilitate the effective conveyance of technical knowledge and more personalized interaction with the audience.
  2. In-Depth Research: Analyzed and documented the specific properties of sealants, focusing on professional terms and their implications.
  3. Content Development: Crafted educational content featuring the avatars to explain sealant characteristics in a relatable manner. This involved a collaborative effort between the client's technical team and our content creation team to ensure accuracy and simplicity in the content.
  4. Training Sessions: Underwent product training at Henkel to ensure accurate and comprehensive information was conveyed.


  • Enhanced Consumer Understanding: The educational content gave consumers a clearer understanding of sealant characteristics.
  • Relatable Communication: The use of characters Xiao Wang and Xiao Li was not just a creative choice but a strategic one. It made complex information about sealant characteristics not only accessible but also enjoyable for consumers, enhancing their understanding and engagement.
  • Informed Purchases: Consumers were better equipped to make informed decisions about sealant products.

Conclusion: The WeChat campaign successfully bridged the knowledge gap for consumers regarding sealant characteristics and set a benchmark for future educational campaigns. By shifting from traditional product descriptions to educational content, ACC enhanced consumer understanding and engagement, leading to more informed purchase decisions.

What we didConcept, Design
Tags Henkelindustrialcontent creationsocial media